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Xymogen viragraphis
cougar Views: 3,388
Published: 15 y

Xymogen viragraphis

I just thought I would share this product with you all.

a couple of months ago my ND tested me for it and it kicked this thing I had been dealing with for 1 1/2 years, which interestingly started a few weeks after I started taking 5000iu of vitamin D and started taking Iodoral. I am guessing that the vitamin D would be the issue from what I have been reading here...

anyway, 4 days on this stuff and it was gone, the respirtory infection thing I was dealing with.

wondering if I am getting to another layer of it, because I had some similar symptoms coming on the past few days and I started taking it yesterday and by evening I was feeling better, and I had a better workout.

Title: Rocky_Mountain_spotted_fever aka Rickettsia rickettsii
# Description: fever, nausea, vomitting, severe headache, aneurysm (Thoracic), muscle pain, lack of appetite, followed by development of rash

interesting when I took the viragraphis 2 months ago I stopped after 4 days because I got a rash on the base of my penis, which really freaked me out, now I am wondering if I should have stayed on it longer and dealt with the rash so that I really cleared it....
my dowsing says yes right now
any thoughts on this, I have had so many things that I thought were detox in the past only to find out that I was throwing my system off by overdoing something...

right now I dowse that I should stay on it for 6 days taking 2 caps every 3 hours
I am also cleaning up copper and lead with moly and dmsa



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