Re: I am very sick. Just got blood work back today and need help.
The first thing I would do is test thru, it is a very reasonable priced test that can help identify many problems including thyroid and adrenal issues. I would suspect that you are parasympathetic dominant with low thyroid and low adrenal function. High calcium is a good sign of this as well as the low bp (adrenal).
I would test for toxic metals using Doctors Data heavy metal challenge.
I would look at antiviral herbs or homeopathics, I like Zands Astragulus formula which is a mixed blend of chinese herbs, it is like a 'chi builder' product.
I would consider using ozone (medical grade) which is more expensive and do the treatments at home which is cheaper than doctors.
A low cost alternative is using apple cider vinegar, I have heard good reports using in viral conditions.
Is everything in the gut ok? e.g. did you have gi issues when all this started?
I also like colostrum, this is an important product that will help rebuild the immune response.
I would also consider using Vitamin A.
I would change diet to more macrobiotic using more plant based foods with fish or chicken, brown rice etc.
I would increase the use of antioxidants which come in many forms.