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new(ish) to UT-my 2 main questions
fun_and_passion_in09 Views: 1,225
Published: 15 y

new(ish) to UT-my 2 main questions

hello all,
I am kind of new to the UT practice( read about it a lot on curezone and elsewhere, had a fake start last year but did not go through with it.)
For a few weeks, I have been lurking and reading the old posts on this board again and then started drinking and massaging ( my face especially) with fresh urine. I have been saving some to make old urine and should try in the next few days to use it.
Curiously, everything about it seems like going back home ( you know the feeling you get when you do something you know and feel you should have been doing for a long time)

my 2 questions are these

1 my morning urine ( the one supposedly most valuable) cannot be drunk, unless i am planning to not move and do anything all day... it gives me narcolepsy. Any idea why?
and since I can not drink it, how to i save it best to use as evening enema.. ( i am even worried about massaging it to my skin as the skin absorb so much, I am worried about getting the same sleepy effect)

2- the first week i seriously started drinking it, the taste was very strong, so i decided to try fruit only diet as it is easier for me to eat. veggies need their salts and spices that make hungrier.. within a day or 2 my urine was sweet, i mean sweet like a fruit. and my bowel movement was similar to a baby's: eat- go, eat- go.
But my weight, did not move... I believe it went up 1 pound even?anyone experience this?

I should specify that I am mostly doing it for vain(?i am saying vain cause as opposed to many people on curezone boards, it is not life threatening, it just prevent me to live mine to the fullest) reasons-- my weight, which is currently 40-50 pounds above what it should be and my skin and hair which do not have the glow and the growth they used to have only 4 years ago.

I would appreciate your input on this.


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