Re: Africa Needs God,” Says Atheist
Many athiests are in the war business, war supply, war profiteering, other athiests are in the alcohol manufacture and supply business, other arhiests run gambling operations, p 0 r n o g r a p h y rings, sex trades, still other athiests are in the junk food and drug businesses, and in the sickness selling businesses.
Christian missionaries teach the children to buy 2 dollar ked sneakers, not 200 dollar nikes, missionaries teach the people to love God and not make war, this is bad for war salesmen, and war supply salesmen. missionaries teach the people to be sober and this is bad for the alcohol and drug sellers profits, missionaries teach people to be chaste and pure until marriage, and to respect themselves and one another, and this is bad for the sex trade and the sex slave trades and p 0 r n o g r a p h y rings. missionaries teach people to turn to the healing power of God and Jesus Christ and this is bad for the sickness sellers profits. Missionaries teach people to be wise with money and this is bad for gambling operators and junk salesmen.
When people are educated in Gods word it is harder to exploit them and sell them
1. war.......murder biz
2. war supplies.....murder biz
3. overpriced cloth and shoes..vanity...false idols
4. alcohol....alcoholism
5. drug addiction....rx pills or street pills
6. p 0 r n o g r a p h y...perversion
7. sex trade..... "
8. sex slavery....."
9. sickness industry.....selling disease and death and fake hrmful no cure treatments
10. junk food....selling malnutrition
11. gambling.....gambling addictions
So you see, athiests who make money off of selling junk and perverting, robbing, lying to murdering and exploiting others, these athiests have a lot of profits to lose if people become christians and are educated in Gods word
The bible teaches satan was an old bastard man, a snake, a sinner, a liar, a robber and a murderer and the father of all liars robbers and murders.
Tyrants and athiests in bad biz want dumb God ignorant people to lie to, exploit, rob and murder.
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