Law 101
This isn't really directed at you T. It's just something I want to say and hopefully it will help others.
I'd just like to say after researching all this legal garbage for quit a while now, due to several infractions commited by me and others, that there seems to be several ways to beat these crooks since they don't operate according to law. They operate according to their own codes, regulations, statutes, infractions and so on. These things aren't law or natural law.
There are two levels of "law". Constitutional, the Bill of Rights, International Covenant of Civil & Political Rights, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other maxims of law. These documents are law that have been adopted by the United States are what is called maxims of law. These can't be disputed and they are the law of the land. Not any of that sea and land law, but laws throughout the country and the world. These laws are real law, not color of law which is what those statues and codes and so on are. They appear to be law only becuase TPTB say they are and we were too lazy to investigate and know they aren't. We acquiesced; didn't stand up and say wait a minute or no, or defaulted; didn't respond in time to all their garbage, so now we're ruled under this garbage. But when you look at their color of laws, they don't line up with real law, so they can still be beat.
Real law is basic and simple. It doesn't require a lawyer to do. So anyone can do it. The key is to not participate in their game. They operate in this fictitional world where they aren't even aware of real law any more. The only tools they have is intimidation and threat.
I've watched quite a few cases now and in every case the prosecuter basically outlines what the maximum penality is, and the defense outlines what the minimum penality is. Then the judge listens to the accused and usually finds a penality somewhere inbetween the two extremes unless the accused is totally out of line. Oh yeah, if you get a really good lawyer (expensive one) then he usually gets the charges reduced, but never dismissed unless it's something small in the first place. But that's what justice is now days.
The point is, that they never go outside their little boxes. It's like they all play soccer and believe the only way to move the ball from one end of the field to the other, is by only using their feet. They never consider the fact that you can run with it, pass it or kick it like in football.
So one way to beat these crooks is to play in real law, or the football field and not even deal with their game of soccer or colors of law. Play in the higher court of Constitutional law without really using the Consitution. Use the maxims from the Constitution. Judges don't like to hear the word Constitution because it tears their scam apart. Plus if you bring in the Constitution, it forces them to make Constitutional decisions, which is usually the job of higher courts. The key is bringing in the principles behind the Constitution and using case law; previous court decisions made by higher courts, to guide the judge to rule in your favor. Listen to any lawyer about his "case laws". They are considered gold in the legal system and they are. Anyway, that's one way to beat the crooks. Use the higher law.
Another way is to beat them with their own "laws". Often they don't even follow their own laws and procedures. So get to know their laws and beat them over the head with them. Also look at what they say and don't say. Often it looks like they've got you, but really, they don't.
Like with my speeding ticket, the cop said he clocked me going 51 in a 35. Well when was the radar unit last inspected and certified to be accurate? Has it ever been tested in the car for proper wiring in the car, or just in their test facility? Did the officer test the unit before starting the radar session and after giving you the ticket? Case law says they have to. Has he ever been certified on using that specific radar unit? Have the tuning forks ever been certified? How did he know he used the right tuning forks during his test? Have any of these things been tested according to their schedule? Does their schedule meet the courts requirements for evidence? There is a lot of evidence you can ask for to make them prove their radar units were operating properly and trust me, they don't have it.
Also get the cops affidavit and check for lies or misleading statements. Mine had two.
This also leads into discovery. This is asking for what is going to be used in court or asking for more facts about the case. It's possible to ask for things which are totally legal to ask for and can be backed up by case law, that the court can't give you since they operate out of the real law. Here's an example:
The guy who wrote this got two driving on a suspended license and failure to appear dropped.
Tim Turner of RAP does a combination of asking for things they can't prove and operating in the real law with his negative averments. One thing about real law is there has to be a damaged party. So when you speed or fail to use a turn signal, who's the damaged party? Bring him forward or this is fraud.
Another angle is to play with the fact that you're dealing with a corporation. Every traffic infraction is you against the city, county or state. Well bring the damaged party forward and put him on the stand under oath and testify against me under penality of pergery and show the harm. They can't do it!
There are many rulings from high courts saying in order to have standing, you have to have a damaged party. Standing means, showing you have the right or standing to demand money from someone for some damage.
Another way to beat the crooks is to look at their definitions. When you read a "law" without knowing their definitions for what they're saying, you're basically walking in the dark. That's how they pass laws that look good on the surface, but are more tyranny in reality. For instance a "person" in their definitions is a corporation or a corporate employee or citizen, depending on which document you're reading. You are a "banker association" or a "banker" if you do any banking, depending on which document you read. They switch the definitions for each document sometimes. But the point is, you can wiggle out of their bs by reading the definitions some times. Some time the "law" doesn't even apply to you.
Another route is by becoming sovereign or a secured party creditor. This establishes the fact that you aren't one of the corporate employee's or one of their person's or citizens. You're an original resident of the Unites States of America, not a citizen of the UNITED STATES, the corporation. And as such, you tell them what they can do and what they can't do. We give them all their powers, not the other way around. The way to establish the fact that you're not one of their citizens is through the redemption process. This is what RAP is all about.
Another way to beat the crooks is through affidavits. In this last case you state I believe I am the authority, not the court, and I do not authorize these proceedings unless the damaged party is produced and testifies under oath and under penality of pergery. Otherwise these proceedings are dishonor in commerce, grand theft, fraud, conspiracy, and racketeering. Then say, I believe there is no evidence to the contrary. This make them have to prove the very basis of the proceedings are legal.
Then you can go on and do the same thing for each point in their case and make them have to prove point by point everything they're doing is legal. And if they're operating outside the real law, will they be able to do it? Not a chance.
The bottom line is go outside their little sand box they play in. Play football instead of soccer. Use the real law that they base their color of laws on to beat them over their heads. And you can also beat them over their heads with their owns laws and procedures too since they usually don't follow them either. And claim that you're the authority and make them prove you're wrong. The Constitution says you are.
And if you want to have absolute authority, do the redemption process. Seperate your CITIZEN (all capitol lettes) from the real You (Upper and lower case letters)through the UCC-1 form and have it legalized that everything the CITIZEN owns, is Yours. This form tells the world these facts legally. And that You're going to use this CITIZEN as a financial transmitting utility. Then define who You are and who the CITIZEN is. Then make a list of all the things the CITIZEN owns so the world knows what You own. Then give your real Person the power of attorney over your CITIZEN. Then put a lien on your CITIZEN for a 100 billion dollars so if anyone comes after your CITIZEN they have to pay You 100 billion dollars to get to him because You are basically in the 1st mortgage position in the process. Everybody else is in line behind You and will have to pay You the 100 billion dollars to get to him. :-) You also tell them that since you're not a CITIZEN any more that they better not try and use their color of laws on You any more or else it's going to cost them millions and millions of dollars in silver dollars. Then you file all these documents on public record and in the court's own system and make them aware of what has happened. They can't stop you because it's all legal and under real law.
Then if you want to really take control of your finances, you set up an account with the UNITED STATES TREASURY so they will pay off all your debt. And debt is not money or something you can use like money to go to the store and buy some groceries. Debt is something you owe on, like your house, car, student loan, COURT CASES and so on. Once you set up the account, the TREASURY has to pay your debt because they stole all the gold and silver from us and said they'd do this to make up for the crime they committed against us. They just "forgot" to tell us we could do this and hid the fact under their color of laws. But now there are thousands and thousands of people that know how to do this. And now RAP is doing this on a global scale and they can't be stopped because the crooks have been caught with their lies.
So the choice is yours. Will you sit around and complain about how screwed up the world is, or do something about it and help bring down the system you complain about?
You wouldn't believe how powerful these methods are. You take away all their money stealing operations and they vanish like the fog in sunlight. The gig is up! They're all corporations and need to steal our money to survive. Help make it go away now if you want, but either way you're going to have to participate eventually because it's coming down the pipe. If you don't want to use the redemption process now, then at least be a thorn in their side with the above methods of getting out of paying them money they don't deserve. If enough people do any of this, it will shut them down forever! There is a solution!
See Ya!