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anunnaki Views: 2,088
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MAY 12, 2004. Recently, I was sent an article that claimed FLUORIDES used to be given as a treatment for HYPER-THYROIDISM, the over-activity of the thyroid gland. Fluorides did, in fact, lower the activity of the thyroid---apparently through an indirect mechanism in the body---and, of course, the fluorides also introduced considerable toxicity.

It also appears that Bayer, once one of the overt building blocks of the infamous Nazi cartel, IG Farben, was instrumental in making this thyroid-reducing fluoride discovery. Anything connected to IG Farben is always a cause for concern.

At any rate, I considered the fact that today, in a number of countries, including the US, fluorides are everywhere. Including public water supplies, as an enforced medical treatment.

Well, lowered thyroid activity seems to be a current epidemic. Are fluorides playing a central role in this situation?

And then I found the following article posted by the Fluoride Action Network:

Fluoride & Thyroid Activity

Fluoride Action Network Updated: September 2003 Fluoride & Thyroid Activity

One of the lesser known facts about fluoride (the "miracle" drug in your toothpaste and water), is that it has been used as a medication -not just for the prevention of tooth decay - but for the treatment of hyperthyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism is a disorder of an over-active thyroid gland, and is treated by reducing the body's metabolism rate. In the 20th century, doctors in Europe employed sodium fluoride, and other fluoride compounds, to reduce the thyroid activity of patients inflicted with a hyperthyroid (Merck Index, 1960).

As is documented in the study below ("Effect of Fluorine on the Thyroidal Iodine Metabolism in Hyperthyroidism" - Journal of Clinical Endocrinology, 1958), just 2.3 to 4.5 mg* of fluoride per day was was found to be successful at treating hyperthyroidism.

According to the authors, the daily administration of fluoride "completely relieved" the symptoms of hyperthyroidism in 6 out of 15 patients, while in the other 9 patients a reduction in the Basal Metabolism Rate (BMR) was "often observed."

Today in the United States, total fluoride intake in fluoridated areas ranges from 1.6 to 6.6 mg/day**, a dose which overlaps and exceeds the dose found to depress the thyroid (2.3 to 4.5 mg/day).

Perhaps not surprisingly, hypothyroidism (UNDER-active thyroid) is a growing and widespread medical disorder in the US. Indeed it's one of the most widespread medical problems we face. Synthroid (the thyroid hormone replacement drug commonly prescribed to treat hypothyroidism) is one of the most prescribed drugs in the US (in 1999 it was the #2 prescribed drug, while in 2000 it was the #4 prescribed drug - see

Meanwhile, according to a recent study in the Archives of Internal Medicine an estimated 13 million Americans have an undiagnosed, underactive thyroid.

According to Mary Shomon, author of Living Well with Hypothyroidism, "The symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, depression, weight gain, hair loss, muscle and joint pains, and many other chronic and debilitating symptoms?

End of article excerpt

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