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Measuring the dosage?
ms224466 Views: 2,792
Published: 15 y

Measuring the dosage?

Does anyone know if you just measure the drops straight out of the bottle (seems to come out quickly when I did a test squirt) or can a person use a dropper to measure out the drops? I just figure everyone is pouring it out of the bottle. I am worried I will get too many drops out at once and I am a bit nervous about not mixing it right. I keep seeing people post that it is something you have to be careful with.

From what I am reading I am supposed to take this with distilled water. I have been drinking bottle high ph water because I have interstitial cystitis and all the other waters I drink seem to irritate my bladder.

I am wondering if I can even handle taking the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement with any of the acids due to my bladder hurting when I take any of the acids. I am tired of taking Antibiotics , so I thought I would try the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .

If anyone has any suggestions I would really appreicate it.



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