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Blast from the past - Lithiasis - Uric Acid Diathesis. Magnesium Treatment
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Published: 15 y

Blast from the past - Lithiasis - Uric Acid Diathesis. Magnesium Treatment

Many thanks to WIEL for finding this gem...

This section is from the book "Materia Medica And Therapeutics Inorganic Substances", by Charles D. F. Phillips 1882. Also available from Amazon: Materia medica and therapeutics.

Lithiasis - Uric Acid Diathesis. Magnesium Treatment

The power of magnesia to dissolve uric acid and to lessen its formation, whether directly or indirectly, has already been mentioned. Among other instances, Mr. Brande records that of a man, aged sixty, accustomed to pass much uric acid, and even calculi, and who had taken daily either 9 dr. of "subcarbonate" of soda, or 3 of potash, for more than a year without good effect, yet under the use of 60 gr. of magnesia thrice a day the acid soon diminished in amount, and after three weeks of continuous treatment it seldom recurred. Since Mr. Brande's memoir (1810) the remedy has been often used in similar cases. Sir B. Brodie combined 6 gr. of magnesia with 12 of potash bicarbonate and 15 of bitartrate, and it often acted well.


What I would REALLY like people to take home from this is how very simple health and well being is... avoid with the effort to eliminate chemical\EMF toxins\pollutants as much as possible in your life... and eat high quality, in season foods.

In addition, several on these boards, including Barefoot, have understood that before medicine became a profit oriented business, it had been, for the most part figured out... that is why Bechamp\Bernard, being right, never saw the light of day and we got instead, the illness and disease initiated by the following of the grossly INCORRECT Pasteur...

Again... many thanks to WIEL. These are the kinds of things I treasure. Some may now understand just one reason of many, why ML always recommends a pinch of Epsom Salt with every meal a bit better.




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