I read the article. I never believed the business about the intestinal lining regenerating itself every 4 days (or even in one day according to some.) If this was possible anyone could cure himself of leaky gut by fasting for 4 days. I’ve fasted for 14 days at a stretch but gotten no better.
The theory that leaky gut symptoms are caused by an allergic reaction may have some merit, but I don’t think it explains it totally. If leaky gut is an allergic reaction, why does kefir or probiotics [anything except plain yogurt] make me constipated? I have the same reaction to may supplements that are supposed to cure leaky gut. Zinc is supposed to cure leaky gut, but it constipates me to so I can’t take it. Why do these supplements help some cure leaky gut but make others worse?
I started taking humic acid minerals a few weeks ago. This didn’t help my leaky gut symptoms at all but it did help my mercury symptoms. I forgot to take the minerals for two days in a row, and this made me extremely constipated. I still haven’t completely recovered. I had the same reaction from taking Bentonite clay.