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Re: Thanks Hanna!
hanna Views: 1,013
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 165,621

Re: Thanks Hanna!

Just do the water, you want your liver only to work on the cleanse. Yes you can do one ES at night, I know Fernando (Fsboeira) always does it. He usually follows Julia Chang's flush who does not suggest using ES, but from all the reading he did he decided to add the ES at night. He and I both know that we have calcified stones from an ultrasound so we want to use ES. Not everybody has them and the only thing that will come out are soft cholesterol stones and sludge.
I just read, may be in Andreas book, that the ES works for several hours, so you should be fine.
You can use the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) in the morning.
I hope you can relax, it is really not that a big deal. If you are very nervous about not feeling well, you can put a glass of water with Alka Seltzer GOLD (no aspirin in it) next to your bed and sip on it. I used to do it but then I realized I never used it. It is like a security blanket.


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