MMS for tuberculosis?
I've read that
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement cures TB, but I cannot find any testimonials or further info about this.
I'm seriously considering taking some big doses of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , because I have to pass a physical so that I can get a decent-paying job and move out of my parent's mold-infested house and support myself.
If the doctor puts that scope up to my lungs and hears all the chunks I've been coughing up for the past few months, it would make everything much worse.
Does anyone know anything about
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement & TB? Also, I've lost my voice for the past month too, ever since I moved in to this mold-house, and also started work at a TB/leaky-roof infested building, but I quit that job a few weeks ago. I understand TB can spread to the voice & cause laryngitis.
Also, my throat, tonsils, uvula, tongue, roof, floor of mouth, & gums are all swollen and sensitive. It could all be candida from the chelation I started while I was at work, before all this started happening.
I'm not too concerned about die-off if I can get well.