Re: 11 Day Fast Felt Messed Me Up: Why?
There are so many ways to fast in an incorrect unhealthy way - how can people explain what went wrong without more details (medical conditions, build/size, diet, pre-fast preparation diet or lack thereof, behavior during a fast).
You say whenever you ran it hurt - one obvious source of your problems is that strenuous exercise while fasting, especially outdoor exercise, can really mess you up. While fasting and resting, your electrolytes should be naturally in balance - but if you do something that causes you to sweat a lot - you might get them quickly out of whack which is potentially very dangerous.
It seems like you didn't (and don't) know what to expect from the fast. Of course you're going to have fatigue if you're not eating anything, that's just obvious. Most people recommend reducing physical activity during a fast.
Part of the point is to allow your body to recover and it doesn't seem like you were doing that.