Re: Decalcyfying the pineal gland...
Simple dowsing tells you that calcium is not the issue.
The issue with pineal glands starts at babtism and the pollution of holy water with Serratia marcescens for over a thousand years.
There where some newspaper articles from isolated local researchers that found all this but those have been sanitized.
Very simple dowsing will tell you what the bulb at the base of the cross which was the first thing to enter any new world contained.
Distribute Serratia marcescens to any native population in touch with their guides, wait a decade and then write history books about the brutality of those natives...
The growth medium was silver, but before that dead bodies where thrown into water supplies and towns to infect the population. If that didn't work one could always get the military to wipe out any remnants of spirtuality....
Serratia marcescens - used as biowarfare bacteria for centuries, now weaponized