What does this extrem symptoms meen? Among extrem dark circles, blepharitis (red eyes), seb derm (acne, redness) and a LOT more ...
I just want to ask you what could be wrong with me:
Extrem dark circles 2-3
cm around eyes and on eye lids, white spots on ring finger nail, foamy urine, leaky gut?, food intollerance, candida?, anxiety, deppresion, chronic fatigue (It feels like I have a cold, but I don't), (dry, red, itchy eyes) -blepharitis, sebaceous dermatitis (mild symptoms), acne, oily skin, incresed inflammation after consuming sugar, carbs, tomatos, milk products, and other stuff.. Joint/muscle pain, cravings for alcohol, bread and sweets, confusion, dizziness, light diarrhea, redness, flaking behind the ears, small sebaceous lumps under the skin that don't develop.
From I was 14-20 I did cunsume huge quantities of tetracycline (
Antibiotics ) -up to 2000 mg a day b/c of acne.
This has totally ruined my life, I'm only 21 but I look like I'm 40. I have tried to take my life 1 time since I don't know whats going on, and will try again if I don't get better (look better). I was a handsome guy before I got this (age 18), but now...
I'm thinking about doing liver, kidney,
Colon Cleanse (detox), change my diet to the candida diet, get rid of the candida, take pro and prebiotics.
What do you think of all of this? Can you help me, and maybe save my life?
I'm sorry to bother you with this, but I'm lost and need some guidness.
Take care