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Re: liver flush "failure" - can someone shed insight into this for me?
lisag Views: 1,619
Published: 20 y
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Re: liver flush "failure" - can someone shed insight into this for me?

Hi there,

I've thrown up the oo mixture also, when i've taken tried to take 1 cup.

I agree its very doubtful that you're stone free (I doubt anyone is!) Have you checked out Julia Chang's website? If you read her site, there's info about a friend of hers that also had unsuccessful flushes, until she tried taking chinese bitters to break up congested bile that was keeping the stones in place. Another person that i've read about on curezone recently used a different remedy of Julia's, Gold Coin Grass, which also helped someone who hadn't gotten any stones out (her stones were too big, which I think is fairly unusual. after taking the GCG the pieces of her stones were able to come out). Some people have had success with Chinese Bitters, others with Gold Coin Grass.

It is normal for someone not to get stones out the first time, or even the first coupla times. But this doesn't sound normal, not with taking all that olive oil, so hopefully the chinese bitters would help.

Good luck!


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