2 days prior to this, we know a fellow that his sister was helping their mom at the old folks home...this sister came from far away for a visit and was staying at the mothers old house and driving to see the mother daily......for 2 days the sister didn't show, so the brother went over to the house and found his sister "blown" up, dead for 2 full days!!!!! rotted and so swelled up!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is what happens when you don't have your helpers, your mates in life...when you are all alone and when in shock, no one to help you and you pass on from this earth.
i have read many times that everything we were trained to believe about life on earth is all "wrong" and mostly a way to enslave us to the people who desire to own us and that when we die, we will be happy to be set free and return to our true home....leaving the enternal question of "what" is the goal on this earth? my best answer is to turn to god for all your needs and your schooling is done.