Severe adrenal exhaustion
Hi Dr. Lam.
I started going to a doc because I was in an advanced stage adrenal fatigue. The doc is foccusing on my thyroid as the cause. My numbers are normal, but I have a lot of revere t3. I have read that this can be caused by low cortisol, low b12 and ferritin. I am gettting b complex with c iv's twice a week, and on iron, but wasn't getting better. We upped the t3 meds and I got better for a few days. My temps were at 98.5 most of the time, but then this weekend I had a complete adrenal crash again. Anxiety that made me want to rip myself apart! Coudln't stop it with xanax or ativan. Temps all over the place. Felt like I had a fever but my temps were 96-97 range. I don't think my adrenals can keep up with the t3 I think the t3 problem in the first place was the adrenal crash!
A friend brought me over some hc to try, and it was a miracle relaxer. Oh my gosh I felt so much better, I even fell asleep. I wake up at 1 every morning though heart racing and sweaty and can't go back to sleep without eating. Is this something that can be fixed with more supplementation and glandulars? Can you fix this? Or do I need to start HC for a while? Or both. My doc can start me on hc, and can I work with you to build up reserve? PLEASE HELP!