This program is continued until the cancer is gone. This will depend on the location and growth speed.
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As you can see on the side, we have helped many people with all sorts of cancer. These are the facts of our experience.
Faster aggressive cancers are the quickest to respond to our program, were as slow growing cancers do take longer to go.
Metastasized cancers that traditional treatments fail on have still got hope with our program.
This page is about the Cesium Treatment, although it is not the only cancer fighting therapy we use and recommend in a synergistic balanced combination, it is by far the most exciting therapy giving us the best results when used in our well balanced combination.
An easy to understand overview of how our program works?
If you haven't already done a detoxification, we recommend juices, mainly veggie juices for the first 21 days and after that we modify to an "eat to your blood type diet". In addition you have a powerful XYZ Shake that has Colostrum and been protein, greens, minerals, flax seed omega 3 oils and a small amount of many vitamins. During this first 21 days we do allow salads and veggies at meal times and fish on Tuesdays and poultry on Thursdays.
Then we change your diet to an eat to your blood type program, it is easy and you will like how this makes you feel better.
We add in nutrition as well as a parasite cleanse.
Your blood tests arrive that we requested after about a week, and we then may modify and add in some more supplements based on what the bloods tell us.
During this month you are on not only nutrition but also Laetrile B17, and Life-one supplementation to name just a few products of many.
After 21 days a day off the special diet and most of this nutrition. Relax time, rest and re-balance.
This program is continued until the cancer is gone.
If the signs are the cancer is shrinking we simply modify what you are doing based on blood tests.
However, normally stage two we add in the X + Y = Z Cesium Low Molecular Weight High PH Therapy. (X+Y=Z LMW PH Therapy)
This specially formulated, by Dr Pablo,
while using the experience of Dr Sartory and notes of Aubrey Keith Brewer, Ph.D.
Dr Pablo has taken the Cesium High PH Therapy to a new level
and some of the minerals used include, Rubidium, Potassium, Silica, Calcium,
Chromium, Germanium, Magnesium, Strontium, Lithium, DMSO, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Boron, Indium.
In summery
This treatment is not natural, its our Chemo Therapy with-out the hair loss or side effects.
Sure the minerals are all natural, but to artificially take your bodies PH higher then normal, and the cancer cells that uptake the formula to a PH of 8.5 is not natural.
However, it capitalizes on what a cancer cell needs to survive, it STOPS the Cancer Cells ability to format Sugar into Energy.
That is important to understand normal cells are not affected by this treatment.
While undergoing this high grade formulation, blood tests are required weekly.
Ozone Therapy is added rectally. Magnetic Pulse Machine external. Parasite Zappers.
Cesium Therapy is monitored closely and time out is sometimes needed. Time out = week off.
When the cancer is well and truly on its way out, and this can be anything from 3 months to 12 months, we like the client to organize a Vitamin C drip if available in your area. On the weeks you are not doing High PH Therapy and when all seems well, and you stop the High PH Therapy, a vitamin C drip on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for three weeks.
Major liver and blood support, including coffee enema's as well documented in the Dr Gerson Cancer Program.
Colonic Irrigation, Rectal infusions of nutrition...
While all this is going on...
Balance, laughter, fun, enjoying life and nature!
Sorting out past trauma... setting future goals, MOM BOOK, mind over matter.
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