the fact is we 'are' all kinds of minds and we need to *work together*. if a person has no need to equate fasting or physical exercise (such as yoga or any other aspect of actual tangible existence) with a non-tangible metaphysical realm, then they have as much right not to (and express that) as those who do.
if the spiritualists you so readily defend are so easily offended by those with different perspectives, then their belief in kindness, peace and TOLERANCE is just that 'a belief' that never sees the light of day and they have something major to examine about 'themselves' instead of angrily accusing others of insensitivity for exercising their right to have a different/or no faith in non-actual, non-tangible, unproven spiritual fairy lands.
for goodness sakes, its time the human ape quit bickering about this non sense and came to their senses.
the survival of ALL LIFE on this planet depends on it!