Re: Candida, high carb diet and sugar.
I also don't believe in a extreme lowcarb or a carbless diet. I don't have any evidence for it yet, it's just a gut feeling (lame joke I know :P) that an extreme low carb or carbless diet isn't the way. A diet rid of simple sugars yes, but extreme low carb or carbless no.
I eat between 90-150 gram carbs per day. That's low carb but not extremely low carb or carbless.
Don't forget the body needs carbs. Not carbs in huge amounts the Western diet has become laden with, but it needs some carbs. Even the low carb doctor Dr. Atkins himself said that a diet too low in carbs alters the thyroid. A extreme low carb diet not only causes ketosis, alters your metabolic rate but also a downregulation of the thyroid hormone t3. So it's not surprising you immediately felt warmer that day after eating carbs.
Good bacteria need carbs too in order to survive.
The question that keeps nagging in my mind is: If people beat candida with a carbless diet how can they expect that candida does't flare up after eating somewhat normal again? If you can't find a balance without carbs how can you expect to find a balance with carbs?