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Re: Highly encouraging spirotrichosis update
High on Water Views: 1,750
Published: 15 y
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Re: Highly encouraging spirotrichosis update

I have no doubts that it is trying to escape the iodide-ated body!

Nope, I strongly suggested to hubby that he start at lower doses and work UP, but he insists on pushing he did when he had the lung infection. He swears now he has a bad cold, but I personally think he is just detoxing heavily right now (blowing his nose and sleeping...a LOT.)

He has no tummy problems as long as he chases his Iodide with milk, (one of the choices given in which to take your iodide.) I have gotten the organic and hormone-free (and expensive) milk for him.

Just so you know, he has been calling in sick this week, but since he has built up a LOT of sick days (over 100), he can "afford" to do this. I know that not everyone can.

God works in mysterious ways. Perhaps my husband's spirit is leading him. Others may not be led the same way.


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