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Re: Severe Cramping & Numbness in Extremities During Enema
valerie_cct Views: 27,049
Published: 15 y
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Re: Severe Cramping & Numbness in Extremities During Enema

I meant to ask, were you lying down while taking the enema? I ask because you said that after draining the bag you laid down in different positions, which is good and recommended, but I wondered if you might have been sitting on the toilet while taking it, which is not recommended unless there is no other alternative. And 5 minutes is not too long to retain it.

Try salt solution the next time, unless you have gone more than 2-3 days without a BM and then it would be better to use a mild soapsuds solution. For a salt solution, use one teaspoon of salt for each pint of water. Sea Salt is best, but plain non-iodized salt is okay and regular iodized table salt is better than plain water for an occasional enema.

A soapsuds or salt solution is called isotonic, meaning the water that enters the colon stays in the colon until it is released. In contrast, a hypertonic solution, such as that used with a chemical Fleet disposable enema works by osmosis, drawing water from the body across the colon wall into the colon to stimulate a movement. I suggest you stay away from those and continue to use the old fashioned enema bag.

And finally, a hypotonic solution (such as plain water), as a result of osmosis, draws water from the colon into the body and dilutes the concentration of electrolytes that can result in the symptoms you experienced.

I wouldn't be afraid to take an enema in the future, but when you do, start out with 2 or 3 pints while lying down and not hanging the bag more than 18 inches above your hips. If that doesn't work then you can follow up with a full bag salt solution. But in any case, my suggestion is not to let yourself go more than 48 hours without an adequate movement.

That's my rule of thumb. My family for generations on my mothers side has a history of constipation and I've had enemas since before I can remember. Even today a week seldom passes when I don't take at least one enema. I've never really minded them since I absolutely hate the way I feel when my bowels go even a day without moving, and I always feel much better after an enema.

Sincerely and with best wishes for your health and well being,




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