Update on last nite and could use some checking
I went to bed feeling quite good
then woke at 4am to take my dmsa and felt yucky....cloudy head, energy off, almost nausea, didn't sleep well after that and same when i woke up at 7:30, gut feels off and had to poop right away--one of my signs that gut is off
I was feeling mild pressure in my liver yesterday, wondering it that was something preparing to leave????
dowsing says:
take molyb right away 750mcg
take milk thistle
it was more copper
and t. serialis stirred up
if anyone can confirm for me would be appreciated
also, a little confused on the copper and ala
my dowsing says ala not good now
but I know some people here are taking ala continuously
I know ala slows excretion of copper
I am actually amazed looking at this post in some ways
3 weeks ago I didn't know what the frack all of you were even talking about
now I am starting to write posts in the ballpark...ha!
Now I am nervous because it is time to really start trusting my dowsing and I still feel somewhat retarded