i would choose what i really love and not to run away from it I would get into my body and feel the joy of its freedom from demands of the outside and danger that rob me from loving this body i have. the law of attraction to ward life is not outwardly but to the source. well you can put make up or muscle on your body or a smile or dress or a nice thing that makes you actactive to the seers but what they see the thing not you. you see you are fooled to associate a nice thing with the owner as if you have to thanks him then you let him to use you, and you feel pulled for being accepted. what thing we can attract for the body can you know it - no. you can just taste it. Now i eat a lot of banana for it has been discovered that it stimulate the immune system and good for the cancer. I have started to eat banana a week ago and i now i have found this outcome of a study. you see i have been in need and asked for a thing and now i got it - synchronity happens and bad one too. I hope there will be good one for the happy bodies for you.