Re: a question
I have a question. I've had the formulas for 2 days: adrenal tonic, thyroid tonic and gingko biloba the first day (and already the morning after something felt slightly better in the feet, yey!), and adrenal tonic, thyroid tonic and live-r-ight the second day (feet a bit worse, which makes me think it's really the kidneys that mess up the feet, so I decided to go for more gingko biloba for now and leave the live-r-ight for later).
But these last 2 days I have slept absolutely NOTHING! so I was wondering if it's something contained in the formulas and if I should eliminate the dose at 8 pm, initially, and introduce it later when the system has got more used to the herbs.
The Live-R-Ight in particular can cause a very heavy detox reaction when starting out. This can cause flu-like symptoms including fatigue, mild fever and loss of energy, loose stools, etc. So it is a good idea to start out slow on this one and drink plenty of water throughout the day. The heavy part of the detox generally does not last for more than 3 to 4 days. But you can try starting out with taking it once every 3 days to give the body time to flush the released toxins. Then gradually work your up to three times a day.