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Re: Is this a 2nd period crash??
happyfamily6 Views: 15,649
Published: 14 y
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Re: Is this a 2nd period crash??

Hi! I've decided that there isn't a hard and fast rule about crashes. For me, it's more of a roller coaster of constant ups and downs, but with general overall improvement (not as much improvement or as fast as I'd prefer). I had mine out 11/11/09. I had been feeling so awful for a month before that, I thought I was dying. It was very frightening. My first few months weren't that grand, my 3rd was better, my 4th and 5th weren't that grand again, and my 6th was fabulous. I felt 80-90% percent back to normal.

This 7th and 8th month have been very hard again. I'm shaky in my whole body (trying to fight the fear of Parkinson's now) and have a spacey/disconnected/dizzy head feeling. I'm so tired of dizziness too. I'm feeling weaker in general. Almost like I need to take a nap during the day (which is unheard of for me). It's hard to go to the store. Just trying to focus visually on the billions of products and labels wears out my head and eyes. I'm wondering if it's the lighting. Anybody else struggle with this?

My fear is that I'll never get back to that good month I had. But I'm more patient now than I was a few months ago. I'm just trying to endure until it gets better. It's so frustrating to feel good and have to go back to feeling bad. I'm tempted to go back to the Dr. to have more bloodwork done, but I figure it will be normal like it was when I was feeling this way last year. I keep repeating to myself to give it a year...

Sorry if this comes across as negative! I'm doing "okay" and look forward to feeling good again. Hang in there!



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