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questions after second flush
Dog Rose Views: 1,512
Published: 14 y

questions after second flush

Hello - this is my first post on this forum. I've just done my second flush. The first was ok - some stones out - but the nausea I felt put me off for a few months. I realise now I shouldn't have waited. I've got to take some care because I am older - 65 - and have been recovering from a chronic illness. But I'm pretty strong. I'm trying to improve my hormone balance and think that a congested liver is a part of this puzzle.

The second flush was very different from the first - hundreds and hundreds of stones. They began the evening of the flush and are still coming out. Most of the ones now are black. I also had a rush of bright red shavings. I've been doing enemas every day, but my bowels are moving pretty regularly. I'm having a colonic tomorrow. My questions

- Is it normal for the flush to go on so long? I started on Sunday and it's Friday now. It's slowing down but still they come out.
- Are the black stones from the gall bladder? Do they signify anything else being black?
- I'm continuing to juice. Is that a good idea or should I slow down on the liver front and let everything rest?

Thanks very much for any help you can give me.

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