Makes one re-think the "reassuring" messages to not worry about the deluge that would accompany a hurricane that crossed the oil spill because hurricances don't suck things up like a tornado (or waterspout) does.
Lemme see, it's raining oil in Lousiana and the oil and water came from the gulf, so where does one think the water will come from that would be in the rains produced by a Hurricane? And what do we now see will be in that water? Do you think it would be possible if enough oil and gas were in the air for it to be ignited by lightning? Maybe get some tarballs lifted up by waterspouts . . . why, that almost sounds prophetic or something.
Hey, here's an idea - maybe they could seed the clouds with some of that toxic dispersant. Like they said, no use wasting a good doomsday, er disaster, opportunity . . .