home remedies reference
Just want to qualify a bit of what will be found at the below URL....want to qualify before giving the link. In other words , Caveat Emptor !
First, if you are someone who has never experienced the miserable agony of a bout of poison ivy / oak / sumac, then you may well not be able to appreciate the usefulness and value of the remedies suggested below. Some of them sound pretty far out there, but if you are somebody who has experienced poison ivy then you will be more likely to keep an open mind on remedies. Secondly, mainstream medicine, despite all its
Science and advances and progress, still has effectively nothing to offer for relief other than steroids. I can confirm this due to 2 recent bouts of poison ivy, both which became severe cases that got really bad for several weeks leaving me little choice but to seek help from mainstream medicine. One of these incidents was within the last month so this is current orthodox advice I'm talking about; we can give you prednisone but this is pretty much all we have in our bag of orthodox tricks. As such, is it any wonder that people may be found resorting to home remedies that sound / look so radical and way out there?
Lastly, with specific reference to the use of clorox as a quick solution to ridding poison ivy blisters, this is one home remedy that I've recently tried, with wonderfully quick success, but I do not suggest the use of un-diluted clorox the way several people on the below list advise. I advise using clorox diluted 50-50 with cool water as a solution for then using something like a cotton ball for soaking the affected area. My opinion might change if I get another really bad case of poison that is more wide spread than what I've recently ahd, but until that time, I also do not advise soaking - as in immersing most of the body in a tub full of water kind of soaking - in clorox, either diluted nor full strength.
Also bear in mind that diluted clorox is an old, tried & trusted USArmy method for quickly resolving cases of poison ivy / sumac / oak, as well as nail fungus and other funky infections picked up by soldiers required to go / march / battle through tropical swamps and other strange lands. USArmy means government which means mainstream, so it is a bit hypocritical to say the least that another segment of mainstream (IE> orthodox medicine) is in conflict with this particular home remedy.....a la " the left hand does not know [ or agree with ] what the right hand is doing".