client question for the gang
I have a client, 59 years old
had her thyroid irradiated at 19
she was the first one to have that procedure, but that makes no difference for the moment
she is taking Levothyroxin
she has had uterine cancer and breast cancer
we started talking
Iodine and she wanted to take it on her own even though I expressed gun shyness considering her situation
she took 6.25mg Iodoral for 2 days (without companion nutrients ...I am pretty sure I coached her to but maybe I forgot) and she had extreme fatigue.....slept 11 hours through the nite and then later in the day had a 4 hour nap. so she stopped taking it because there was no way she could work and sleep that much.
any suggestions on how to proceed?
any experience with people who don't have a thyroid anymore?
I really don't want to be the one to coach her on this
way beyond my knowledge
maybe I should have her do a pee test with Flechas and then have her free 15 min consult with him and see what he says?????