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Running 24/7 frequencies vs. species-specific frq.
musimesipomahat Views: 2,312
Published: 15 y

Running 24/7 frequencies vs. species-specific frq.

I know now that my biggest problem is a huge tapeworm, yesterday after running the new frg. (that 129102 posted) for a couple of hours, the beast started going crazy.

When I switched to the fish Tapeworm the craziness stopped. That's another proof (I've been through this several times with the pineal frq.too) that running anything other than specific frequency just doesn't work for some parasites. I've experienced so many times this beast going completely wild when another frequency is run.

I used to think it's echinococcus but since several times before and yesterday confirmed again I am very certain it's a long tapeworm(s). The fish one was found in me and the frq. works on it so I am certain it's the d-latum, the biggest problem - it's literally everywhere in my body.
What a life - today I'm a bit down again since I've realized how much of this creep is still in me (the only thing that gets accomplished by running other frequencies is that one becomes more aware of the huge volume) and that it will take a long time to clear it for sure if it'll not kill me first.

This is also a lesson learned for those of you who do not believe that the Tapeworms can be and thrive outside of the intestines.

They can and they cause an extreme suffering and pain.

Posting this for all of you who have certain beliefs about things - realize that anything is possible (and this statement is very positive even though at the same time very negative as in my case due to the fact of what suffering it can bring along.)


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