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mother Views: 1,786
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 164,049


This has been an on-going dilema for me also! Getting a big boulder to let loose,
more smaller ones to follow and then more liver and GB pain as more stones move
forward. I did #92 lastnight. My stones are moving forward VERY fast and
causing lots of hepatic duct and common bile duct pain requiring frequent
flushing to keep the pain and pressure at a tolerable level. I keep reminding
myself that when I started my right shoulder was frozen tight and was told I
would need surgery for it. Now my shoulder has been pretty much free for some
time now and mnay other symptoms are gone. I eat a very good diet, but I
still continually feel more stones from the liver moving forward, etc. etc.
I had a serious large worm problem in my liver also. Have you thought of
that? I have passed many, many worms from my liver, not many lately. I say
just keep flushing and listen to your body! I do believe the body can and
will heal if we do the diet, colon, kidney cleansing, etc. with the liver


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