Re: HELP needed NDE with OBE!!!
Thanks for your help again. I understand why the OBE is happening more clearly now.
Firstly, it's not just the arm, there is numbness in her whole body when she wakes up with the shock. Her whole body is numb and not any specific body part as such I know of.
Secondly, she isn't a regular drinker. Just occasionally,more like socially and I asked for your input in this matter as I was of the view that quiting it might help in helping the cause. You could throw some light on this matter as well.
Thirdly and more importantly, this just doesn't happen in night. It happens whenever she goes to sleep which could be either in morning or afternoon ..basically any given time of the day.
Lately, the OBE have reduced. Don't know the reason or can't provide you full details at the moment as she is out of country and I don't get time to communicate much. She is an Indian and right now she is in Australia. Could the environment be the reason or better diet or cleanliness, you could guide me better on that.
After 2 and a half weeks or so, when she returns back to India I would be able to give you a more clearer picture.
But till the time she was here the OBE used to happen very frequently. but there were times when at a stretch when it wouldn't occur.
Yes she has one bowel movement every day, could be more say 2 , but yes definitely 1. She also urinates very frequently, more than what a normal person would do. so tries and drinks not too much of liquids at a time.
Hoping this information would be helpful in getting to the bottom of this issue.