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Re: Oxy Powder, Paratrex & Super Phos 30. Suggestions please.

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: Oxy Powder, Paratrex & Super Phos 30. Suggestions please.

You are dfinitely NOT doing a Master Cleanse if you are doing OXY Powder while on the MC. Oxy powder is great stuff while eating regular but you have no clue how it interacts or affects the components and workings of the MC. This is a very common thing that people spend most of their life putting crap into the system and they think they are going to get out in one feel swoop. Tain't gonna happen.

The MC works in a very simple and elegant way and the protocol is very specific in the ingredients and the way it work. Like I said before Oxy P is good stuff but meant to be done while eating regular. It can certainly interfere with the alkilizing effects of the cleanse and how the system absorbs the very limited nutrition one is taking in while on the MC. It also has the potential to cause dehydration from the accelerated elimination process caused by the Oxy.

All these things you describe prolly work great on their own and if you want to get the best results form the MC then just simply follow the recipe as writen. Many folks myself included will do  a follow up with OxyP >after< the MC and when the system has gotten back to regular elimination.

You have to resign yourself to the simple fact that it's going to take time and fucused effort. The cleansing is actually the easy part that just takes the trash out. The reality of all this is that if you don't change your habits and include balanced nutrition and regular exercise post cleansing you will loose any and all benefits gained during any cleanse.



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