Molecula silver is incredible! I was poisoned from taking Levaquin (a toxic fluoroquinolone antibiotic) and had terrible muscle pain all over my back, shoulders, and shins. It felt like my tendons were ripping when I stretched out my legs, which apparently is an actual side effect from this drug. I had read that Glutathione drips eliminate Flouroquinolines, but unfortunately did not handle Glutathione well. A doctor suggested I but Molecula Silver from the same company that sells Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . I did and it sounds crazy but within 3 days my muscle pain completely and dramatically went away. I could not believe it!!! I was in pain from that Levaquin for over a year. I am still in shock that one natural supplement could be such a miracle. I have tried many that never worked and was really starting to lose hope. My doctor said that it detoxifies, so maybe it detoxifies the Levaquin? That is what I am guessing but I really do not know for sure. All I do know is that I have my life back now!