Hi everyone,
My name is Farhad and I work for a company called ReD Associates that does a lot of field research as a part of its consulting practice. I’m working on a research project about the issues around continence care, and would love the opportunity to personally visit and talk to people who are living with continence problems. With your help, this study will allow us to understand some of the significant issues of continence care, and will influence the direction of future product development.
We will bring along release forms that will ensure your anonymity—information from your interview will be for internal research purposes only.
We will compensate you $200 (or the equivalent in pounds or euros) for your time.
Please contact me at faa@redassoc.com if you are interested, and I’m happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. I am new to this forum, and I apologize if I am posting in the wrong section.
Thanks very much,