Hi MpDela,
It's Surfer27 here. Hi. I just wanted to ask you one question! I have been dealing with a anal fecal odor for 4 yrs now and one thing I've noticed is that, whenever I take something like Rhubarb Root for my anal fecal odor, whenever I have a bowel movement, the odor is almost intensified and it smells worse then what it usually smells like! When I have a bowel movement, it literally smells like a manure field, that strong!! Is it true, that your anal fecal odor will always get worse, before you got better. In other words, will the anal fecal odor get worse, before it starts to lessen somewhat and you notice you get better and lose your fecal Body Odor ? If you could get back to me, that'd be great!! Thanks and take care. Bye for now.