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Re: Eyesight issues--and impatience

9 Day Fasting Program
Complete with herbs and clay to eliminate hunger and cleansing r...

Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

chirontherainbowbridge Views: 17,004
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Re: Eyesight issues--and impatience

Hi Lilac--when I saw your post, at first I thought it said "eyebright" issues; which is actually a herb that is very good for eyesight issues.

If you curezone google my posts, you'll see that I mentioned some issues, after my last 29 day water fast. I would encourage you to try to see this through--not to break in any kind of healing 'crisis' is always what the fasting masters encourage. :-) There are in fact very few reasons to break a FAST, especially in a 'down' cycle. You've noticed for sure that there are highs and lows on a water fast, right? This feeling of bitterness and negativity you are going through is very likely related to old toxins that are clearing...the body goes through some amazing cleaning, and much of it is emotional; the emotional very closely linked to the physical. Have you tried calm and deep breathing, and 'smiling' at yourself--this is a sort of attitude or intent, more than anything complicated or silly. It can really help. Also, try this, just thump on the place between your collar bones--all around that area of the upper chest. Gentle thumping 2-9 times. This helps to reset a lot of bodily processes that can get out of whack. It's called the thymus thump, and is well-documented; it 'resets' the thymus gland which controls many many processes; you can research this later, when you feel better. As for the irritation and restlessness--it's in the air, you know. You’re not alone in this.

There are some planetary happenings at this time than amplify such energy. This is related to the planet Uranus.

The main point is, the eyes are going through some cleansing, and the fuzziness, and so forth, is a temporary phenomenon. Nothing that comes up in a Water Fast should be aborted-- it should be allowed to run its course. Many of the problems we have as a species are a direct result of suppressing and blocking what would actually be a cleansing process that STRENGTHENS the body, if not interfered with.

The fasting masters also speak of cycles in fasting—( and even mainstream allopaths know these cycles to be true) as I have noticed myself. Bodily levels of healing and rebuilding of all systems down to the cellular occur in sevens. seven days, seven weeks, seven months... The first actual “work” in a Water Fast doesn’t click in until seven days.
So say the masters. This is why people who feel some trepidation about the whole thing do better to fast less than seven days, until they gain more trust in the whole process.
You might have noticed these cycles—maybe that up to about day 20 you were okay, and with day 22 –into the third seven cycle- you are almost jumping out of your skin.

My reading of things is that there were more important matters to attend to than the eyes—and now, it’s time for the eyes. Have faith that the body can do much! This faith alone acts as a form of support for your own well-being. Just as this forum can provide some external support, the faster would do well to give herself/himself gentle talk, and patience, and if that seems almost impossible, to at least try to watch the passing show from some envisioned place of calm—knowing, as you do that this too shall pass.

My experience is, when you break fast in the midst of something uncomfortable, that discomfort will follow you into your re-feeding. It will make the whole process much more difficult, since in effect you are trying to wed two opposing states: that of cleansing-emptying with filling-rebuilding.

Have you tried EFT? This sort of emotional storm is classic EFT work.(for you would be fine about the eyes and such if you were not feeling so irritable and "desperate" to quit the fast). Deep and clam breathing can help a lot.

I empathize--but again, I would say: hang in there until the worst of this passes, if you can, and try not to be choked by negative feelings. Strangely, brushing the teeth and tongue (just water) can help to diminish emotional feelings of bitterness. Rest and try to watch these bubble up, and move away, as if you are something immovable and untouched by all the negativity and cleansing, passing away.


PS After my recent Water Fast I made an eyewash (google Dr. Christopher's eye formula". It is both for the eyes and you drink a little as well. My eyes are much better than they were, even before the fast. I think I'm soon going to just post the subject line, which will be "have imperishable patience". That feeling of being antsy and wanting to get going is very much 'out there' in the world. Trust me, everyone is feeling it; while you are doing something for yourself that has the power to transform you and the world.

take it easy...(



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