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Re: Narcissism Husband
BlueRose Views: 2,117
Published: 15 y
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Re: Narcissism Husband

You didn't mention that you have been beaten in your original post! OMG! You need to get both yourself and your baby out RIGHT NOW!

If you are in the US, call this number:
1-800-799-SAFE --- It is the domestic abuse hotline. The person on the other end of the line will help you get out of there. If you are not in the US, do a google search and find the hotline number for your country.

Do you realize that if you stay, he could well end up killing you or your baby? When people beat up another person, their adrenaline runs high. They may not intend to kill someone but end up doing so.

Don't believe it? There was a case a month ago in Virginia. A college student beat his girlfriend to death. She stayed with him even though he almost choked her to death. If it hadn't happened in the presence of others, he would have killed her then! When he was arrested, he said he didn't intend to kill her!

This is NOT the kind of environment you want to raise your child in. By staying, you are telling your child that it is alright for a man to beat his wife.

GET OUT NOW! Let the people at the domestic abuse hotline help you. They can also help you get a restraining order out against your husband.

Your child comes first! Make that call! I can't stress this enough ---GET OUT NOW!

Good luck and get going!


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