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Re: Can you give me more details on the numbness please?
lisa0819 Views: 1,838
Published: 15 y
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Re: Can you give me more details on the numbness please?

hang in there and read my past posts. I've had my mirena removed since April 30 2009 a little over a year and I'm 8 months pregnant with our second daughter. I've had many tests and was an active, healthy person before mirena. All tests came back normal which is fabulous, but still dealing with symptoms. Mine are jaw pain, tingling that moves around and yes numbness like your foot falls asleep. (like it's sparkling) The numbness usually happens at night if I'm laying on my side. The tingling feels like a strong itch...I itch it were the tingling is coming from and it's gone. It's definitley better since mirena has been removed! Be strong and positive and I hope this helps! Is this similar to what you are experiencing??
Cheers to healing!


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