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Whatever you do, do NOT have ETS surgery!!
michaelnyc Views: 1,840
Published: 15 y

Whatever you do, do NOT have ETS surgery!!

I had ETS surgery and my body and my life are destroyed now! I sweat so much on my torso and legs that if I take 2 steps, I will soak my clothing! Don't listen to the doctors who tell you you're not going to get side effects, that's what mine said to me and he lied! I only wear black shirts because of the embarrassing sweat that soaks through. Also, I am on all sorts of asthma inhalers now because I have asthma ever since the surgery! I was a long distance runner before!! My life is ruined! I cry every night! Oh, and I also have shooting, stabbing nerve pain that runs down my arms and hands. Before I had this surgery, I was perfectly healthy except for excessive sweating on my now I am a complete wreck physically and emotionally! Do not believe these freaks who call themselves doctors and tell you there are no side effects from this surgery! I am a living ghost of my former life now!!!


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