Hypothyroidism with goiter - What worked for me in the past
Dear Barb,
Thanks for your recommendations, I will visit that URL as soon as I finish writing this. Lately, I have been trying to remember the measures I took in the past. The list of nutrients you mention includes some of the nutrients included the "Thyroid Gland Regeneration" program the N.D. indicated to me. Below, I include what I remember from this program:
1st) He made a personalized diet for me (which he changed periodically, weekly or bi-weekly). I am a strict vegetarian (no meat, no eggs, no milk, no alcohol, no chocolate, no smoking, etc). The diet included three meals. Dinner was the lightest of the three meals and generally consisted in natural fruit juices or fruit.
2nd) During the first phase of the diet goitrogenic (interfering with
Iodine absorption) foods such as broccoli, cabbage, turnips were omitted. These where introduced later, after the goiter disappeared only in their cooked form.
3erd) There was a principle for drinking water or liquids: 1 hour before meals and two hours after meals. I never drank (I still follow this principle) water with the meals, immediately after or immediately before eating solid food. Following this principle helps your digestion and absorption processes.
4th) I drank distilled water, whenever possible.
5th ) I took several nutrients such as Kelp, vitamin C-1000, barley grass, a mineral complex, a B-100 complex, vitamin E (in the tocopherol form), vitamin B6 (helps with depression), zinc, EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids). I remember the N.D. recommended me specific brands for each of the nutrients, because he always focused on using quality nutrients. Unfortunately, I can´t remember the specific brands now.
6th) He advised me to use more salt in my cooking, because I tended to cook extremely low salt dishes. Also he advised me to use more raw oil (olive), since my diet was low in fat (he also indicated EFAs as a supplement).
7th) I used (and still do today) only first cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, never cooked. That is I add the olive oil AFTER the food is cooked, not while it is cooking. This way the olive oil does not saturate. I also use this oil as a salad dressing with lemon and oregano.
8th) Breakfast always included fruit in abundance and natural cereals (like oats, corn, rice) or nuts (almonds, cashews) or whole-wheat bread (always toasted). First I had the fruit, then the concentrated food (like the cereal or bread).
9th) Lunch always included raw salad, which I ate prior to the cooked dish.
10th) Dinner was always light (fruit or natural fruit juice), as I mentioned before). Never after 8:00 p.m.
11th) I allowed from 5-6 hours for digestion between meals. For example, breakfast at 7:00 a.m., lunch at 1:00 p.m., dinner at 6:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m.
12th) A most important principle I followed was going to bed early, between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. (this helps a lot!!). I woke up at 5:00 a.m. and exercised in the open air for 1 hour (I went to walk or bike to a nearby park). I am trying to do this once again!!
(Note: For the first two weeks of the program I wasn´t able to exercise…I slept a lot during these days…I had no energy. Then my body recovered and I could exercise again)
13th) I drank a lot of water (6-8 glasses a day) and natural juice, never with the meals.
14th) It is important to note that I followed (and still follow) a vegetarian lifestyle: no alcohol, no meat, no eggs, no chocolate, no animal fats, no
Sugar (honey in moderation if I wanted something sweet).
15th) The doctor indicated some enemas I applied at home, as well. I also had a professional
Colon Cleanse (which I didn´t enjoy…:p) once.
16th) I remember that at the end of each weekly diet program the N.D. indicated 2-3 days of juice fasting. During these days my only food was the natural juice of one fruit or vegetable extracted at home (for example, 8oz glasses of natural grape juice every two hours along with 1000 mg vitamin C, then the following day the same with lets say
Celery juice). He never advised more than three days of juice fasting, that was his limit.
17th) He also indicated some teas such as basil tea, rosemary, camomille. These I drank following the principles for water consumption.
18th) I followed taking the kelp after the treatment ended. I usually stopped it for a while as the doctor told me. For example, I took it for 1 month and rested two weeks and then took it again.
19th) One important thing is to try to leave stress out of your life as much as possible (I know this is hard, but it is important). This is one of the best advices the N.D. gave me. He found that I had passed though very stressful situations in the past, and that my life then was full of tensions and worries (he found this contributed to damage my thyroid), so he suggested me to take some measures in order to eliminate as much stress as possible from my life. I started by putting a limit to my work hours during the day ( I work on my own); likewise, I put myself a rule to rest during the weekends. I also tried to visit a different place related to nature every week (N.D. ´s advice) like a beach, a park, the mountains, where I could breath clean air, expose my self to the sun and also to help me relax. I also tried to establish a spiritual life,a relationship with God, which I didn´t have (Now I am trying to get this aspect of my life back on track). This also help me greatly, more than anyone can imagine.
If I remember anything else, I will write another message. My goiter disappeared completely then (along with all the symptoms!!!), so keep the hope alive. People around me that do not believe or trust Natural Medicine were amazed. I had a picture taken when the goiter was still there and it shows so clearly its presence…Now it is not as big, but I hope it disappears soon… I hope yours disappears as well!
Best regards,