Shroom, get her into a LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor) fast. If you go to,
you sign up and then you can request a LLMD or ND in her area. And as for how can the medical community have missed this? Don't even get me started! I have suffered needlessly for the last 14 years, because doctor's I saw in CA refused to treat me for Lyme, because they said there was no Lyme in CA, despite me having a positive test. She needs to get help asap and I would suggest natural as well as regular meds. Have her look into the Cowden Protocol, Teasel, Rife, etc. I am in her same situation, but I found a wonderful LLND in San Deigo that I will be treating with. Good luck to you both. BTW, have you been tested for Lyme yourself? Also, when testing for Lyme, you should use Igenex Labs.
Most every other lab out there has a 40-60% false negative fail rate. And any really good LLMD will diagnose not just by what a test says or doesn't say, but by a person's symptoms.