Every now & then my right ear turns bright red & feels hot, & I have no idea why. A quick internet search revealed that many others (of all ages) experience the same thing. Would just one ear be affected if it was food allergies ? I ate wheat & tomatoes yesterday & today & had the red ear thing, but it could have just been a coincidence. My hormones are out of whack & I have hot flashes/anxiety (now & then), could the red ear be related to this? The base of my neck feels a bit sore & boney (I'm very thin & have a boney spine), & hurts when I jump up & down on my rebounder (as does my head). However, I do spend a lot of time on my computer, looking down at the screen, so my sore neck could be down to that. I'm just completely baffled as to why just one ear would be affected?? Any ideas? I don't drink alcohol & I am hypoT.