bladder tumor from Candida ?
Hello all,
I have been doing Hv's thought of probiotics, prebiotics, and actually have been feeling better after 3 years.
I just started getting alot of blood in my urine, so my doctor set me up with a CT scan, which showed a Tumor on my bladder. Of course reading everything on the internet i am freaking out. And hoping someone could give a little encouragement i guess.
Anyway, my doctor has now set me up with a Urologist with a counciltation date of not till June 9th. Is this normal to take so long ? If it cancerous would they want to get you in sooner so it does not spread.
Anything i should be doing in the meantime ? Does anyone have any experiance with this ?
I am wondering if Candida can build up in the bladder and cause the tumor. Or maybe its the die off stuff that builds up. I am hoping it is a solid ball of Candida, and they will just remove it. Or the worst, is that for 3 years the symptoms i have been having were not candida, but was the tumor spreading cancer all over my body.
Sorry just rambling, freaking out a bit i guess. June 9th is so far away.