Lands with bloods
Lands with bloods….
Go against china bloods.
Rules of gods have acts in moods.
Under tables are math and wares.
Take the shorts the winds are dared.
Take the long will climb with creeds.
Warm and loves are faults to feed.
China brave the serve are hard.
Wooden plums are hard in dark.
Years declared but nothing trumps.
Go surpass are olden rums.
Fool around are run to sums.
Critic all the bad are guns.
Antics go and cry for help.
Antic china is worlds to sell.
Logic got my branches of horns.
See them and fetch them born.
Go against lands with proof.
Rules of bloods are under roof.
Rules of suffer all are pain.
Peoples’ humble lives are trained.
-----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3----------