Re: Multiple Sclerosis, liver cleansing and Co Q10 supplements as an alternative
You have come to a very good place to learn a lot and ask questions! There is
a wealth of information on this site on
Liver Flushing and much more. You can
go to the top and type in M.S. and you will probably find a lot out about it.
I have read that M.S. often has to do with mercury and or other metals in
crowns that are in the mouth. You can research that also. I am a nurse and
work in a doctor's office and the M.D. does recommend fish oil for M. S. You
could research that under Google. I wish you the very best on your journey
of getting well. I have done many, many
Liver Flushes and have overcome
many different problems. I am not well yet, but am a lot closer to it than
I ever would have been withou getting my metal out of my mounth, doing liver flushing, colon cleansing, and kidney cleansing.