Support...of what????
Webmaster and others concerned with clear communication, honesty, and consistency here at Curezone!
We have many forums labeled "
Support Forums ". As far as I can tell there is some confusion about what is being supported.
If it is the individual seeking healing, then WHY are posts removed that offer solutions other than the usual for the condition and/or warnings regarding the usual treatments???
When such posts are cross-posted to many forums, how come ANY moderator at ANY of those forums seems to be able to remove the post from ALL forums it has been posted to?
If pertinent information in answer to a seeker's concerns can not be included from a perspective of one person seeking healing sharing information with another, then WHAT is being "supported"?
Is it the hidden agenda/s of a moderator or moderators who may be operating anonymously behind the scene?
And are they the ones who come back hours or days later and create links within a post to information that is NOT what the original author of a post intended???
Or even edit material within posts in other ways without getting permission from the author???
It certainly is NOT free discussion of our experiences OR the health and best interest of those who come here for information that is suppoorted by these practices.
I would urge a policy against such things be initiated and enforced consistently upon ALL at CZ. NO exceptions!!!
Any personal forums that may have different policies should have to state exactly what these are upfront. They should be barred from policing forums other than their own. If uncomfortable with what is in cross-posts, they should barr cross-posting at their own forum, NOT intrude on others right to express and examine a variety ideas in other forums.
Repeated incidents of this type have lost CZ both my trust and my respect. Until these issues are solved, I can no longer recommend that anyone post info here or come here in their search for better health.
Hoping that airing these things may move things forward to a conclusion satisfactory to everyone...