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Re: I really wanna know!
  Views: 1,391
Published: 20 y
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Re: I really wanna know!


I don't know what everyone else does..... I've heard that some people have used collanders or strainers that fit inside the toilet bowl to catch result. I've never had to do that. I've done over 25 flushes and the answer is... yes.... the stones do float (as well as the chaff and lots of other things that may be released). BUT..... if you happen to release a cacified stone (which is pretty rare, but not unheard of) it would most likely SINK and you would miss it if you weren't using something to catch it. If you want to "collect" stones, either just to save them to compare flushes or to photograph them.... I've found that a disposable plastic spoon works well to fish them out of the toilet. And remember to store them in the freezer.... because they will "melt" if left out in room temp for too long. I hope this helps.


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