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Checkup on supplements
  Views: 1,129
Published: 15 y

Checkup on supplements

I just want to make sure I am taking the right things for the right reasons. I feel like I am making no progress on lead and I wonder if I am not taking the right things for it.

These are the supps I am taking

NAC - brings lead to blood stream
Ascorbic Acid - grab lead from blood stream, kicks it out of body
MSM - copper
Malt - brain enzymes, and I think heart too?
Borax - fluoride and aluminum
ALA 100mg - mercury.

I also have magnesium malate is it better than boron for aluminum? I take Iodine occasionally but I read people with lead should not be taking it with ALA.

I have been taking NAC and ascorbic acid for Lead 30 minutes apart but dont feel any different afterwards. I did notice the NAC I am taking doesnt even get absorbed unless I dumped the powder from the capsule into a cup of water.

What I am getting is that Malt is needed because of lead toxicity. That means we will need less and less Malt as Lead becomes less of an issue?


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